This is a creamy, delicious fondue! It is a hit whenever I make it. Guests get so excited to get a big piece of crab and much noise is made when it slips...
For a slightly spicy cheeseball with lots of zing, try this easy recipe. If you don't care for cilantro, you can roll the ball in shredded Cheddar cheese...
This zesty spread is a holiday hit! It's easy to make and tastes even better the day after you make it. Serve with crackers or slices of baguette. This...
This is the first thing to be eaten at every party, and it's sinfully easy! If you are not a big onion fan, don't be afraid. Onion is not the dominant...
This Louisville staple is an easy and refreshing cucumber spread or dip and can be served with almost anything you could imagine. Dipping club crackers...
This dip is a huge hit with everyone who tries it. It's even better with fresh crabmeat, but canned works fine. I took it to a party and every person wanted...
A sweet rich and creamy dip for prepared fruit. Try serving with bananas, strawberries, kiwi or your favorite type of melon. Use toothpicks to skewer the...
When fresh tomatoes from my garden start ripening faster than I can eat them fresh, I make this salsa. I modified the recipe to match my taste for sweet...
The real trick to great guacamole is to use good avocados. Make sure your avocados are ripe and of the Haas variety! Serve this dip with corn chips, or...
The dill flavor in this creamy summer favorite goes great with cucumber slices. Kids love it -- it never lasts long! Try this dip with other veggies, as...
Warm and delicious corned beef dip. Serve with crackers or toast the hunks of bread taken from the center of the Italian loaf. You can also bypass the...
Authentic chummus is very different and SO much tastier than its American counterpart. This chummus is creamy and delicate in taste rather than overpowered...
This is just your classic bread boat dip, but it will never let you down. Great for parties, or casual get togethers. Corned beef may be used in place...
A delicious and easy spread that always gets many compliments. Serve it with somewhat bland crackers to taste the smoked salmon. You can add some chopped...
This tastes just like hot chicken wings, but without the mess. It is very addicting, and is perfect for football and tailgating season. Serve with tortilla...
This awesome spinach dip recipe is the best I've ever had. Perhaps because it's heated and in a Hawaiian bread bowl. I received this recipe from a friend...
This is the ultimate spinach dip! It is made from fresh spinach leaves and spring onions. I'm always asked to bring this along to major family events and,...
Don't bother with soaking and cooking beans for Classic Texas Caviar - the canned variety works well. But skip the bottled dressing, and take a little...
This is a quick and easy taco dip that everyone is sure to love!! Better make a double batch, because this will go quickly! Increase the amount of salsa...
Pebre is a Chilean salsa and is most commonly used on bread. It is also used on meats or anything else you desire. My favorite way to use it is on barbecued...
I bought a similar spread at the grocery store a while back, and I thought that I could do it better and cheaper myself. You can use imitation crab, instead...
This is the best mango salsa I have ever tasted! It's a refreshing, cool and spicy salsa that adds excitement to fish, poultry, pork or tortilla chips!...
This roasted red pepper and walnut spread is quite popular in the Middle East and you'll understand why when you make it and discover you can't stop eating...
Rich, creamy, with bits of spice and tang from jalapeno peppers--this dip is just like the good stuff you get in restaurants but you'll get 3 to 4 times...
This variation of regular sour-cream ranch dip has been a hit at all the parties I've made it for. Makes a lot, and can be served with potato chips, veggies,...
Lime juice combined with avocados and corn make this yummy salsa go well with plain tortilla chips or with grilled chicken. Make just before serving for...
The traditional 7 layer dip can be rather fattening, so here is a fresher, lighter alternative. It requires a tad more work, but I assure you it is worth...
Quick and easy! 2 ingredients + 25 minutes = yummy. You may use pre-made pesto from the store, or you can make your own (preferred) using one of the recipes...
A cheesy dip for the onion lover in all of us. I serve it with crackers but you can also use breadsticks. Be careful about over-baking as the cheese will...